Mapleton State School acknowledges the traditional custodians of the place we now call our school.
We pay our respects to the Elders past and present and are proud to be supporting and encouraging emerging Indigenous leaders every day.
Term 2 Week 4 2024
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome back to Mapleton SS! We hope you had a relaxing break and are ready for an exciting Term 2. It has been a busy term already with plenty yet to come!
Anzac Day: A Time to Remember
We would like to thank everyone who joined us for our Anzac Day service earlier this term. It was an incredible turnout, and your presence helped create a meaningful tribute to those who have served our country. It was wonderful to see our community come together for such a significant day.
Under 8s Day: Fun for the Little Ones
Under 8s Day was a massive success! A big thank you to Mrs. Lynch for organizing the event and to all the parents and staff who contributed to its success. The children had a fantastic time with the games, crafts, and activities, and it was delightful to see their smiles throughout the day.
Reading Bears for Year 1
A special thank you to the Mapleton Lions Club, who visited our Year 1 class earlier this term and provided each student with a Reading Bear. The students were thrilled to have their own bear to read to each night, and it's a wonderful way to promote reading at home. Ms. Bentley, our Year 1 teacher, has more details, but it's safe to say the students are loving their new reading companions.
P&C AGM: Get Involved!
We'd like to remind you about the Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, May 15th. This is a great opportunity to get involved in our school community and help shape our school's future. Several positions on the executive team will become vacant, so we encourage you to join us and make a difference. Thank you to the current committee for their hard work, which has included a working bee in the shed, garage and composite area and a hugely popular mother’s day stall which the students thoroughly enjoyed! We look forward to welcoming new members for 2024.
Cross Country: Eagles Take the Trophy!
Despite some weather delays, we finally held our cross-country carnival earlier this term. Congratulations to Eagles for winning the trophy! Thank you to Mr. Price for his excellent organization. Good luck to our runners heading to the Nambour District Cross Country at Bli Bli SS on Monday.
Athletics Carnival: Mark Your Calendars
Our Athletics Carnival is scheduled for Monday, June 17th. Students will start practicing during PE lessons and at lunchtime to prepare for the various events. We encourage parents to join us for this fun-filled day of sports and competition. Move information will be released closer to the day.
NAPLAN Results: Encouraging Performance
Our Year 3 and Year 5 students completed their NAPLAN assessments last term, and we're pleased to report positive preliminary results. These results reflect the high-quality education that students are provided with at Mapleton SS. We'll share more detailed outcomes with you soon.
Attendance: Every Day Counts
We understand that the changing seasons can lead to illness and absenteeism. While it's important for sick students to stay home, we encourage regular attendance whenever possible. Every day counts in your child's education. For more information on the importance of attendance, please visit this link.
2025 Enrolments: Spread the Word!
We're now accepting enrolments for 2025! If you have friends or family interested in joining our wonderful school community, please encourage them to book a school tour as soon as possible. We'd love to welcome them to Mapleton SS.
Principal Position: Term 3 Announcement
The principal position at Mapleton SS was recently advertised on a fixed temporary basis extending into Term 3. I have applied for this position and will keep the school community updated as the process progresses. Thank you for your continued support.
Thank you for being part of the Mapleton SS community. Remember to follow our Facebook Page to keep up to date with everything going on around the school.
Warm regards,
Aaron Willis
Principal, Mapleton S.S
Curriculum Corner
Year 1 News
This Term the Year 1 students are participating in the Reading Bears Program which is a free initiative from the local Lions Club, to help support reading, literacy and wellbeing.
The program supplies free hand made Reading Bears to each Year 1 student. Our students have taken their bears home and are reading to them each school night. Such a fantastic way to encouraging the love for reading.
Year 2 News
Year 2 have been lucky enough to spend the day investigating the forces of science during an incursion with the Sunshine Coast Environmental Education Centre.
Students were able to explore motion, through hands on learning, looking at the forces of push and pull. It’s a brilliant day where students experimented with clay, sewing, flying, twisting, spinning, bouncing, rolling and constructed various toys. Check out our little Scientists at work!
Year 3 News
Welcome Rosie, we are glad you have joined our class at Mapleton.
Observatory Visit
On Wednesday 8th May we were fortunate to have Adrian from the Mapleton Observatory share with us his enthusiasm for all things ‘space’. This ties in with our Science Unit where we are exploring how day and night occur and shadows.
As Sienna said after our visit, "Best day ever!"
We are becoming more fluent with our multiplication number facts which will help us with our assessment this term. Thank you for continuing to practise these at home.
At the moment we are reading and understanding informative texts. We will then create and publish our own informative text.
I have organised for the Sunshine Coast Council TurtleCare team to come and chat to us on Monday 10th June about the Loggerhead turtles which nest on our beaches.
Year 6 News
In Year Six we are learning about circuits in Science.
The Sixers have been creating their own circuits and drawing labelled diagrams.
The school have bought a set of “Makey Makey’s” which are circuit boards that you can create any day conductive objects like bananas into pianos through an app.
Written by Jacob
Year 5 News
We have been very creative over the last couple of weeks. We enjoyed learning about pottery and making sculptures. These sculptures were an assessment piece for our Visual Arts unit "The animal within". Students chose animals that they had a connection with. The pieces will be dried and fired, then the students can paint them.
Design Technologies
Yesterday we planted our herbs for our Design Unit, the students are desiging a service that provides an edible plant that can be used to create a healthy product. We will continue with this unit and go on to produce the packaging for these edible plants. The students enjoyed this activity and we had lots of discussions about different plants and herbs and how they are grown.
Kids in Action
It was really sad that our Excursion for Kids in Action on Wednesday was posponed. This was due to the weather. We look forward to our Kids in Action conference, which will be held at the University of Sunshine Coast on Wednesday 4 September.